Resurrection Mural
After years in the making, Ron DiCianni's largest masterwork, The Resurrection Mural has been unveiled to the public. This incredible piece, commissioned for the Museum of Biblical Art, displays the Resurrection of Christ in a brand new format.
Standing 40 feet wide by 12 feet high, this breathtaking mural allows the viewer to look into Christ's eyes and see first hand that he alone has conquered the grave.
"Michelangelo painted The Creation of Adam for the Sistine Chapel. Rembrandt painted the story of The Prodigal Son. Every artist longs for the definitive subject to paint. The one that captures a moment in time, hoping that the viewer will put themselves there.
For me, it is Christ's Resurrection. The one act in history that separates Christianity from every philosophy, every religion we have a Savior. The fact that Christ walked out of the tomb is a historical and theological fact. Some may choose to ignore it, but none can deny it.
Taking my cue from Hebrews 12:1, I thought a great scene would be Christ emerging from the tomb, with many heroes of the faith waiting for Him. The result was a 40 foot by 12 foot oil-on-canvas Fine Art mural of Christ emerging from the tomb.
Let me draw your attention to some elements in the mural that you may miss at first glance. Notice the rock beginning to crack under Christs feet due to the earthquake. Notice the keys of death & hell (Rev. 1:18) tied on Christs belt. Of all the figures, the three kneeling are David, Esther & Daniel royalty bowing to the greatest of all Kings! In the right top background is Mt. Calvary, also known as the place of the skull. You can see the hint of a rainbow above as the same promise God gave after the flood. It still stands the test of time. There's even more elements that can be seen in the full size mural (and in the reproduction!) so I invite you to make a point to see it at the museum and bring a copy into your home today.
Of course I'd be remiss if I did not point out the part of the mural that matters most... Christ emerging from the tomb, victorious and alive!
I invite you to rejoice with me this Easter, not merely in the completion of this mural but in the Cross the Empty Tomb the One who conquered both, our Savior Jesus Christ!"
 - Ron DiCianni