The National Center for Jewish Art (NCJA)
The National Center for Jewish Art (NCJA) at the Museum of Biblical Art, founded in 2014, houses a special collection by Jewish and Israeli artists as well as historical and religious artifacts and ceremonial items for study. Over 10,000 square feet is dedicated to the exhibition and display of Jewish Art including the NCJA gallery space and the Chagall Ballroom. The NCJA will endeavor to:
a) Teach the basics of Judaism and the Jewish Faith through art.
b) Bring contemporary Israeli and Jewish art to a broader audience – particularly art from the art colonies in Safed and EniHod in Israel – and others.
c) Break down prejudice and misconceptions.
Exhibited are 20th Century and Contemporary artists. Some of the masters and contemporary Jewish and Israeli artists included are: Jacques Lipchitz, Ira Moskowitz, Menashah Kadishman, Ben Shahn, Jack Levine, Ruevin Rubin, Moshe Castel, Moshe Bernstein, Yukov Agam, David Gilboa, Raphael Soyer, Jeffrey Brosk, and Tobi Kahn. Current additional exhibits include the SWED Collection of Jewish Ceremonial Art and George Tobolowsky’s “The Elements of Hanukkah," and Barbara Hines' "Celebration of Survival."
Advisors and mentors to the NCJA include: Laura Kruger, Guest Curator, Hebrew Union College, New York, N.Y.; Tobi Kahn, Artist and Professor, School of Visual Arts, Brooklyn, N.Y., co-founder of the artist’s Beit Midrash at the Skirball Center of Temple Emanu-El, New York; and George Tobolowsky, Sculptor of found metal objects and expert on maps of the Holy Land.