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The museum hosts a rich variety of styles of Biblically themed art and artifacts from Ancient to Renaissance to Contemporary. Many of these galleries and exhibitions are listed below:

- The National Center for Jewish Art

- American Artists Colonade

- The McCreless Collection European Gallery featuring a variety of art from the 1300s - 1800s. Fresco from 1400s, sculpture from 1300s, a Veronese drawing from the studio of Benjamin West, work from the School of Boticelli and Michelangelo's Pietá in bronze.

- The Sculpture Atrium offers the distinct opportuinity to contemplate bronzes and marble work after Michelangelo and by Fredrick Hart.

- Tapestry of the Centuries Mural

- The Mattie Caruth Byrd Gallery featuring the monumental Resurrection Mural by Ron DiCiani as well as fine examples of art in an illustrative style.

- The Charles C. Ryrie Library

- The Contemporary Gallery features diverse work in varied media representative of contemporary International, African American and Hispanic artists including Bill Komodore (SMU), Lyle Novinski (UD), Denise Brown, Nancy Rebal, Miguel Zapata and Pamela Nelson.




A Mosaic Passover Story 2015





A selection of press releases, newsletters, and other items of interest are available as well:


The Museum of Biblical Art is a 501(c)(3) Texas Non Profit Corporation

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