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The MBA Dallas boasts a wide variety of artwork in mediums ranging from painting and sculpture to rare books and lithographs. Notable artists include Barbara Hines, Marc Chagall, Michelangelo, Ron DiCianni and many others.  

European Art Treasury

The Resurrection Mural

Ron DiCianni

Art Conservation Lab

Via Dolorosa

Sculpture Garden

National Center for Jewish Art

The Spirit Of Abstraction

Tapestry of the Centuries

Vladimir Gorsky


MBA Dallas special exhibitions engage topics as colorful and varied as art itself - from aging and the creative process to the evolution of the modern Biblical text. Featured artists include Barbara Hines, George Tobolowsky/James Surls, Gary Eisenstat, Jeff Robinson, Chong Chu, Chris Lattanzio,  Helen Zarin, and Jorge Cocco.

Barbara Hines
Celebration Of Survival

The Daughter of Jairus 5mb.jpg

Jorge Cocco
Come Unto Christ

Helen Zarin

Alexander McQueen Duncan

 Seeing the Light



Gary Eisenstat
Heart of Glass


George Tobolowsky and James Surls"Side by Side Chapter 2"​​​

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Jeff Robinson
Yireh: Awe!

Gary Eisenstat
Heart of Glass


Chris Lattanzio
Mood Elevator


Chong Chu
Jacob's Stone Pillow, Ladder
and Pillar


"Their Portraits"

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Linda Stein
Holocaust Heros: Fierce Females

The Museum of Biblical Art is a 501(c)(3) Texas Non Profit Corporation

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