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The Onstead Institute for Education in the Visual Arts & Design and the Department of Art Education and Art History in the College of Visual Arts & Design at The University of North Texas

Female Heroes featured in the Exhibition:
Anne Frank
Vitka Kempner
Zivia Lubetkin
Nadezhda Popova
Hannah Senesh
Ruth Gruber
Noor Inayat Khan
Gertrud Luckner
Nancy Wake
Hadassah Bimko Rosensaft

Tapestries and Sculpture by Linda Stein
Co-Curators: Dr. Adetty Perez de Miles & Scott Peck
Exhibit extended through June 30, 2017
Deeply moved by the events of September 11th, artist Linda Stein began exploring themes of protection and bravery evident even amidst one of the 20th century's greatest tragedies -- the Holocaust. Stein's research focused specifically on female Holocaust heroes, because she asserts that "while many people have been recognized for their courage in horrific times, less attention has been placed on the women who made a difference." Stein's passion for telling the stories of heroic women and inspiring others to stand against hatred led to the creation of the art exhibition, Holocaust Heroes: Fierce Females.
The exhibition includes tapestries that pay homage to ten female Holocaust heroes, symbolic spoon-to-shell sculptures that address the sexual abuse of women, and a "protector sculpture," which is an emblem for defense of self and others. The key message of the exhibition is to challenge viewers to resist scapegoating and discrimination in both large and small ways. With her artwork, Stein hopes to encourage viewers to stand up for victims of bullying and show how hatred directed at others is often the result of unchecked bullying.
In Stein's words, "The Holocaust Heroes project demonstrates that while most people are bystanders under conditions of terror, there are always a few who defy a malevolent authority and do what they feel is the right thing. If heroes existed during the Holocaust, then certainly we can increase the propensity for individuals to become more empathetic and compassionate under normal circumstances."
The exhibition and related programming have been organized by UNT CVAD faculty Dr. Adetty Perez de Miles and Peter Hyland, Director of the Onstead Institute for Education.
Dr. Adetty Perez de Miles is an assistant professor of art education in the department of art education and art history at the University of North Texas (UNT). She earned a Ph.D. in Art Education and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at The Pennsylvania State University. Perez de Miles holds Teacher Certification in Art Education (PK-12) and specialization in secondary education. She taught Advance Placement Art History and Studio classes at the high school level. Her research interests include feminist theory and epistemology, socially engaed art practices, and teacher education. Professor Perez de Miles teaches courses in visual culture and pedagogy, secondary methods for pre-service art educators, critical pedagogy, global aesthetics, contemporary Latin American art, and critical theory.